Terms & Conditions: Copeland Park Membership

We may make reasonable changes to the Terms & Conditions at any time. It is your responsibility to check online at regular intervals for changes however we will notify members via email of any significant changes. Please review the Terms & Conditions carefully and make sure that you understand them. In becoming a member of The Kiln Rooms you are agreeing to the below terms:


Rolling contracts: £305 per month, (minimum of 2 months) paid monthly via direct debit. There is also a £300 refundable deposit to pay prior to joining.

Fixed term contracts: £1,710 for 6 months (equivalent of £285 p/m) or £3,300 for 12 months (equivalent of £275 p/m). Payment for membership will be taken in full before the membership start date. There is also a £300 refundable deposit to pay prior to joining.

Deposit: All members must pay deposit before becoming a member. We may deduct money from this deposit in the following instances: If the member has damaged kilns or equipment, if there are unpaid firing or material fees outstanding, if a member fails to clear their storage space before leaving, Once a member leaves the studio, has left their shelf empty and returned their keys the deposit will be refunded in full. Deposits do not accrue interest.

Membership cancellation before induction: To reserve a membership space a deposit is required, this secures your membership. If you cancel 10 days or more before the induction date, you’ll receive a full deposit refund. Cancellations made 9 days or less before will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations 48 hours or less before the induction may result in the full deposit being withheld to cover administrative costs and losses incurred while seeking a replacement.

Failure to pay:

Fixed term / standing order failed payments: A £10 fee will be incurred for each week (7 days) a payment is late. Payment reminders are sent out beforehand.

Direct debit failed payments: The Kiln Rooms is charged by our online payment provider for every failed payment. We will absorb the fee if this happens once, but after this, a £15 failure fee (including failure fee, VAT, admin time)  will be billed to the member after each failed payment. Options to switch to another payment method are offered before this.

Refunds: There are no refunds on rolling contracts. If you have paid for 6 or 12 months upfront we will refund any time remaining on the contract on a pro rata basis provided that a notice period of 2 months or more has been given.

Leaving the studio: A period of at least 2 months notice is needed for termination of a membership.

No shared contracts and no sub-lets. All prices include VAT.

Included in the price: This fee includes the use of The Kiln Rooms equipment & tools, personal storage space, free access to the Professional Development Programme, business advice and technical support. There is no maximum usage of the studio. Members will have the opportunity to sell work during our bi-annual shows and can be part of two ‘open studio’s’ a year.

Holiday & time in lieu: No holiday or time in lieu. If you are going away for an extended period of time we would recommend cancelling your membership and discussing with management a possible date to rejoin.

Non-usage of the studio: In the event of non-usage it will not be possible to provide any additional studio time in future or to provide any refunds. The studio closes for 3-4 days during each of our bi-annual Shows. We may, with reasonable notice and at our discretion, close our premises for reasonable periods of time to carry out essential maintenance, repairs, refurbishment, or for other reasons outside of our control. We will endeavour to reopen facilities as soon as is reasonably possible in these circumstances.

Data protection: As a member of The Kiln Rooms it’s important that we contact you with information related to the studio, shows, opening times, health and safety and best practice. We will keep your personal data safe and will not pass this on to any third party.

Sharing the space

Neither The Kiln Rooms nor Kiln Rooms staff are responsible for personal belongings or any work getting damaged, lost or stolen. In communal studios such as this it is inevitable that there will occasionally be work that gets damaged. Any machinery brought into the studio must first be cleared by a member of staff. Best practice should be adhered to at all times when working in the studio and respecting others is key to the harmony of the group. All work in your personal storage area must be removed from the studio by the day membership finishes. We have the right to cancel membership with immediate effect in the event of any anti-social or disrespectful behaviour towards TKR staff or other members.

Cleaning: For the studio to work it requires everyone to pitch in. When you use the studio it is best practice to do 20 minutes of cleaning where you have worked and in the communal areas. Always wet clean any dry materials.

Guests: If you want to invite friends/family to see the space, meet fellow members or staff this is fine. If you would like someone to be in the studio for more than 15 minutes and work alongside you on a project this must be agreed in advance with The Kiln Rooms management. As a rule people are not allowed to use the studio unless they have signed up and anyone visiting must be supervised by an inducted studio member / staff at all times.

Special requirement: If you have any special requirements please let us know during your induction.

Kiln usage: If a member is found to have caused damage to the kilns (i.e. explosion or melt down) or other equipment through improper use they may be liable for costs of repair.

Materials: We have a fully stocked materials store at Bellenden Rd (please ask staff or contact Kiln Rooms management).

Social Media 
The Kiln Rooms social media accounts are first and foremost to be used by The Kiln Rooms (TKR) to promote a variety of events, classes, members, staff etc. We occasionally feature members and staff but we cannot guarantee who might be featured or when. We welcome being tagged in posts, which may increase the likelihood of TKR reposting. We may not seek permission to repost a member’s or member of staff’s content, so if you do not want TKR to use any content you have in the public domain, please let us know.
TKR avoid posting/repost anything overtly political or emotive, as we aim to be a safe space for as many people as possible – we stick to pottery. Reposting someone’s work does not mean that we agree with other political content they might have posted.
If a member were to post negative comments against TKR before discussing the matter in full with TKR management first, we reserve the right to cancel membership with immediate effect.
Health & Safety

Members must have a full induction of the studio (in person and having watched the induction video) before using the space. By signing the induction form members agree that they have understood everything covered in the induction and agree with these therms and conditions. It is also important that everyone respects all Health & Safety regulations, signage, Kiln Rooms staff / members and other Copeland Park residents.

For the latest on our Covid-safety procedures please see this link

The main points covered in the induction:

  • The Kiln Rooms cannot be held responsible for any injuries caused through the misuse of the studio or equipment.
  • Food or drink should not be consumed in the studio.
  • Fire safety. Please be aware of our evacuation procedure.
  • We reserve the right to suspend or cancel any membership if any of the above points are not respected